Hannah's Blog

Monday, May 22, 2006

The ''Flying kiwi''

''Ready, belayers?: "Yes!' "Ready, runner?" "Yes!'' ''Run, pull!'' I went fiying off the ground into the air in grate circles. Now I could see why it is called ''The Flying Kiwi''.

I did A few tricks and then I just sat there and enjoyed looping around, then my team started lowering me to the ground.

Lara was our instructor, she was cool because she said funny stuff , like jokes.
We weren't allowed a second turn, because we had run out of time.

We had to pull the adults up whem it was their turn. Mum didn't go up because she is scared of heights. "Flying Kiwi" I saw my friend Laura because she was on the Go-cart which was beside us.

It was fun on the "Flying Kiwi" because Sarah my sister had kept on talking about it from the last camp. I couldn't wait.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Zip line whee-e!

Whee! I went flying down the zip line. It was scary because the girl that went down before me was soaking wet. She hit the tyres and they were full of water.
Garry was our instructor, he was funny because he had long orange curly hair.
One of the people in my friends group jumped off the tyre before unclipping her harness and she got a giant wedgy.

My second turn was cool because I was used to going fast and I almost touched the ground.
Bri-i-ng the bell went lunch. "Yay" I shouted. For lunch I had vegetable soup and toast.

I loved the Zip Line because although I was scared to slide down, I did and it was fun after all.